Dorset LTA, also known as Dorset Tennis, is an unincorporated county tennis association affiliated with the LTA, the National Governing Body for Tennis in Great Britain. We are currently evolving from an unincorporated voluntary association to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) run by volunteers following the EGM in June 2024 where unanimous mandate was received. We are hoping our transition to a CIO will be completed by early/mid 2025.
Dorset Tennis is managed by a volunteer-led Executive Committee, elected annually by its members. This Committee and it’s sub-committees, oversees the administration and growth of tennis across the county and manages all paid roles essential to supporting the Association’s mission.
Aligned with the LTA’s vision to ‘Open Up’ tennis; to grow tennis by ensuring it is relevant, accessible, welcoming and enjoyable, the Association works closely with the LTA to promote and deliver agreed strategies and carry out specific responsibilities at county level.
Dorset Tennis values diversity and inclusion and encourages people from all backgrounds and experiences to apply to join Dorset Tennis, to help broaden our perspectives in everything we do. We encourage our members to be advocates for equality in the role they hold and to embed equality, diversity and inclusion into all work and functions.
We are always looking for Volunteers to help us improve the County's tennis activities - there are lots of opportunities to help including with teams, performance, tournaments, participation and inclusivity. Please get in touch with us via if you would like to get involved.
Finance Lead/Treasurer - Volunteer Opportunity
We are currently looking to fill the role of Finance Lead/Treasurer. If you are interested in this role, please contact Brian Cooley by e-mail
Finance Lead/Treasurer Role Description
Executive Committee Meetings 2024
22nd January
25th March
20th May
24th June - EGM
30th September
25th November - AGM
Annual General Meetings & Extraordinary General Meetings
Dorset LTA Rules
Dorset LTA Rules as agreed at the AGM 2010.
2024 Plan & Budget
This plan provides a summary of the plans for Dorset Tennis for the calendar year 2024.
Policy for handling Disputes, Concerns and Complaints
Dorset LTA Safeguarding Policies
(also available in the County Office)
Safeguarding Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy
Online Safety and Communication Policy
Codes of Conduct
LTA Photography and Filming Policy
Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Use of Changing Facilities Policy