Dorset Tennis

County Training American Doubles Tournament to raise money for local hospitals’ Intensive Care Units

Shane Deacon, Dorset County Coach and 11U Performance Manager at The West Hants Club has set up a tournament to raise funds for staff in the Intensive Care units at Bournemouth, Poole and Dorchester hospitals.
Some words from Shane……………… ‘After being back at work for several months now and the nightmare possibility of a second Covid-19 wave on the cards, I wanted to ‘do my bit’ by setting up a tournament to raise funds for staff in the Intensive Care Units at the Bournemouth, Poole and Dorchester hospitals. I would like the funds raised to go to the staff in these wards as a thank you for their hard work throughout what has been a very difficult time. My wife works for the NHS and has contacted ICU wards to see how a donation could be used to lift the staff and thank them for their massive life changing efforts.’
Shane is running a series of two hour fun American Doubles tournaments on Sunday 6th September at the West Hants Club for players involved in County Training. There is a £10.00 entry fee of which 100% goes to the NHS.  Shane’s aim is to raise at least £1,500 with the aim of giving each hospital £500. The West Hants Club has kindly given the courts for free and Dorset LTA will match fund monies raised up to £1000 so it is hoped Shane’s target will be exceeded.  A fun day for a great cause.

