Dorset welcomed LTA President, David Rawlinson on a fabulous sunny day, as part of his Summer Tour visiting counties throughout the country.
First stop was Southbourne Tennis Club to join a well attended Learning Disability and Wheelchair tennis group run by Head Coach, David Sanger. David has been running a thriving disability programme at Southbourne TC for 10 years and it was clear the participants thoroughly enjoyed their tennis. A very engaging, inspiring group, they also enjoyed a good chat with David.
Second stop was Poole Park, where Brett Townsend, Poole Park’s resident coach, was running a lively, fun session in conjunction with Sport in Mind, a UK charity that uses physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems. Such stunning surroundings to play tennis, the players were enjoying some drills, practicing their serving and having some good rallies.
On to Wimborne Minster Tennis Club for a training session for the club’s performance players. Winner of the Club of the Year Award 2021, run by Phil Loose, the club excels at producing performance players and with only 3 courts, all of which were full! An energetic session was had by everyone with all age groups mixing in together. A great club atmosphere where a welcome coffee and home-made, delicious cup cakes were enjoyed!
East Dorset Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, the final stop, welcomed David where he was joined by some of Dorset’s county players and Dorset’s President, John Feaver, on court. With quite an audience, the players worked up an appetite with some very competitive tennis! The day drew to a close with David being joined by some of Dorset’s volunteers over a bite to eat when he thanked everyone for all they do to support tennis in the county.