Dorset Tennis
kevin news post

Kevin Croydon awarded the LTA Meritorious Award for Outstanding Contribution to Tennis

Many congratulations to Kevin Croydon who has been awarded the LTA Meritorious Award having been nominated by Dorset LTA for his outstanding contribution to tennis over a period of 40 years.

Kevin has volunteered in several tennis clubs in which he has played in different counties over a 40 year period.  Since moving to Dorset in 1989, he has served as Treasurer to both club and county, has represented Dorset at seniors level and continues to play social tennis.  It has been his tremendous service to the county where he has made his greatest contribution from which he retired as County Treasurer at the AGM in November 2023.

Kevin took on the role of County Treasurer and immediately established, a much required at the time, robust accounting process which he diligently improved through the years.  Kevin prided himself on being able to advise the financial situation at any time in relation to any aspect of tennis activity as well as providing immaculate accounts on time.  One of Kevin’s passions was travelling all over the world with his wife Jenny, Kevin was so dedicated to the role that while on his travels, he would continue to issue updates and make payments to ensure the financial wheels of the county continued to turn.

In addition to his Treasurer role, Kevin took a lead in organising Wimbledon tickets during the years this was undertaken at a local level as well as working with County sponsors.

Kevin was an active member of the County Participation Committee for the last 10 years assisting with the award of small grants to support activities including disability tennis, women’s groups, coaching qualifications, facility improvements and tournaments enabling the targeting of funds to maximise participation.  Kevin travelled the County to visit clubs, coaches, players and volunteers to hear their ideas and concerns, a proactive approach welcomed by the local tennis community.

Kevin’s main legacy has been to deliver a professional, efficient finance system for the County enabling all involved with County operations to focus on delivery of activity with a clear understanding of available funds and confidence of timely payment.  The systems that Kevin established have proved extremely beneficial to the new County funding regime and valuable in the consideration of the best way for the County to incorporate.

A strong team player and a great communicator, Kevin worked particularly closely with the paid County team, captains, coaches, volunteers and county players. He has given much of his time providing training and mentoring to ensure his knowledge and experience is shared to the benefit of individuals and the wider tennis community.

Kevin has and will continue to be a part of the modern Dorset tennis family, and despite his stepping down from the role of County Treasurer, he has made it clear he is still available to help and support anyone who seeks his advice.

Our sincere thanks to Kevin for all he has given to tennis and especially to Dorset Tennis.  Kevin will receive his Award along with all our County LTA Award Winners at a special Volunteers Day being held in September.

