Dorset Tennis

LTA Safeguarding & Protection in Tennis and Time to Listen Courses

Volunteers, Coaches and Officials can now book onto LTA Safeguarding & Protection in Tennis courses which are being run virtually via Zoom.  This free course covers how to safeguard children and adults at risk by enabling delegates to recognise, respond, refer and record concerns in a tennis environment.  The course is 3 hours long including a break and has been approved by the LTA for 3 CPD credits.  The minimum age to attend is 16 years.
All courses are full until end of August however there are dates up to the end of November.
To find and book a course, click here.
Please note: If you have completed face-to-face safeguarding training within the last 3 years you can take the online safeguarding module  Safeguarding In Tennis Together to renew.  Please ensure you book onto the right version, as there are role specific versions (i.e. one for coaches, one for Welfare Officers etc).
Welfare Officers can now book onto Time to Listen courses which are also being run virtually via Zoom.  This free training course supports the Welfare Officer to further develop their understanding of child protection and safeguarding within a tennis environment.  Dates run from 26th August 2020 to 8th December 2020.
To find and book a course, click here.
