We strive to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have an enjoyable tennis experience.

Everyone involved in tennis has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk.

Dorset LTA adheres to the LTA's Safeguarding policies and procedures which can be found on the Safeguarding page of the LTA website. Information on how to report a concern, FAQ's and Resources can also be found on this page.


Dorset Tennis' County Safeguarding Officer

Sue White
M | 07350 744601
E | safeguarding@dorsetlta.co.uk

LTA South & South West Regional Safeguarding Officer

Vicki Gregg
E | vicki.gregg@lta.org.uk.

If you have a concern or need to report anything, you can complete a 'Register a Concern' form via the LTA website.

Outside of office hours, please call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

Local Authority contact details :

  • Children Services BCP 01202 123 334 Dorset 01305 228866
  • Adult Services Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole 01202 123 654
  • Out of hours: Call the Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Service on 0300 123 9895
    Dorset 01305 221016

If someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999).

Please remember at all times, that doing nothing is NOT an option: report all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible.

Criminal Record Checks - DBS

The LTA is committed to ensuring that all children and adults at risk enjoy tennis in a safe and enjoyable environment. People seeking to work with children or adults at risk within tennis are therefore required to obtain a satisfactory criminal record check. In England and Wales, individuals must obtain DBS check.  More information and how to apply can be found on the LTA website.

Safeguarding for Parents and Coaches

For more information on safeguarding for parents and coaches, please click on the links below :

More information on Safeguarding can be found on the LTA website.

Dorset LTA Policies - also available in the County Office

Clean Sport

Clean Sport is a sport without doping. We all have a responsibility within tennis to protect our sport from doping. The LTA Anti-Doping Programme includes a combination of education and deterrence activities aimed at supporting clean players and their support personnel and to deter and catch those who cheat.

The LTA Anti-Doping Programme 

The LTA/Dorset LTA is committed to promoting and protecting clean tennis and recognise the contribution that sport can make to health, national pride and social development when supported by a strong ethical and moral environment.  

More information on Anti-Doping Rules, Governance, Players' rights and responsibilities, Medications advice etc can be found on the LTA website here.